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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » 2 Hot 2 Hot » 2 Hot » Let\`s Get Blown - Snoop Gogg

歌 手: 2 Hot (2 Hot)

歌 曲: Let\`s Get Blown - Snoop Gogg (專 輯:2 Hot)

上傳會員: wingwelcome

日 期: 2005 - 9

歌 詞
曲: | 詞: | 編:  
Can I get more thrills
You know you want some more girl
So come on
Can I get more thrills
You know you want some more girl
So come on
Let's get blown
Let's get blown

Looking at the ladies all of them fly
I don't know which One I want dawg
I can't make up my mind girl
So won't you make it easy on me
Take this drink then hit this weed
Two step wit me

Let's slip to the dance floor
On and on and on and on we go
I'll dip you if you want me to
You see I really warms get
A little front wit you
Bigidy bump wit you
A nigga wanna hump you

And then just comfort you
And then I'll pop the top
And lay you on the cot
And get you nme and hot
Yeah yeah it's all to the real
We could do it like guy
C'mon girl Let's chill

Now you can fly the friendly skies
With the S-N double O-P D-O double G-Y
Now don't ask why
Just keep looking good in the hood
Damn girl. you so flyl

We could do what you want to
You say you drink Alize or
Was is Malibu It don't really matter though
You remind me of the time when I had a ho
She kept telling me Doggy Dogg I gotta go

So I let her get in the wind
And co*macked her friend
2 plus 2 it equals 4. this is some shit
That could last forever more
I'm trying to put my bid in
Naw I'm just kidding
Come on ma get in
SOd don't ask where we going
Pimping and hoeing drink pouring
And weed blowing you know it c'monl

I've been looking at you
From the corner of my eyes
Checking out your hips lips
Tits and your theighs
I've been wanting to do you
For a mighty long time
You make a pimp

Wanna sing I-I-I
We'll head to the hills
Your dreams I'll fulfill
We could do it how you want
Cause I'm oh so real
Tell me you

Naw I won't squeal
You wit Da Big BoSS Dogg
So seal the deal
Pharretl got the babyface
And Snoop got the whip appeal

So name the place
This love I bring to you
On the real baby girl
Won't you do me a favor
And sing for Snoop

You know you want it
If I'm a give it to you
So come and get it
If I got it I'm a give it to you
Then you can get it
Ya know hey oh
Can I get more thrills
Can I get more thrills  

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